
Software Portals, Services and Platforms

LIS Subject Repository 2018 - Present: Department of Library and Information Science Subject Repository---A document archive used to store and preserve scholarly research output produced in that Department of Library and Information Science at The University of Zambia.

Workshops and Seminars

2020, DRGS Open Journal Systems (OJS) Training [Presentation Slides]
2018, National Workshop on E-filling and E-records Management Using Alfresco [Brochure] [Presentation Slides]
2018, National Workshop on Scholarly Communication Through Open Access Publishing [Brochure] [Presentation Slides]

Conference and Invited Talks


Phiri, L. (November 2019). Open Access Electronic Publishing for Increased Online Visibility: Tooling Challenges and Potential Solutions (oral presentation), ZCAS Colloquium on Sharing Knowledge and Best Practices (invited talk), Lusaka, Zambia.
Phiri, L. (November 2019). A Multi-Faceted Multi-Stakeholder Approach for Increased Visibility of ETDs in Zambia. (oral presentation), 22nd International Symposium on Electronic Theses and Dissertations (oral presentation), Porto, Portugal.
Phiri, L. (May 2019). Technology-Enhanced Learning for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning (oral presentation), UNESCO Partnership Forum on ICTs in Education (keynote talk), Lusaka, Zambia.
Phiri, L. (February 2019). Research Visibility in the Global South: Towards Open Access Institutional Repositories in Zambian HEIs (oral presentation), The University of Zambia ‘University Ranking Committee’ Workshop (invited talk), Lusaka, Zambia.


Phiri, L. (December 2018). Research Visibility in the Global South: Towards Increased Online Visibility of Research in Zambia (oral presentation), 2 International Conference in Information and Communication Technologies, Lusaka, Zambia.
Phiri, L, & M’kulama A. (October 2018). Towards Open Access Institutional Repositories in Zambian HEIs (oral presentation), Higher Education Authority (invited talk), Lusaka, Zambia.
Phiri, L, & Bwalya T. (August 2018) E-records Management Using Alfresco Governance Services (oral presentation), Smart Zambia Institute (invited talk), Lusaka, Zambia.