@conference{11, keywords = {Orchestration, Technology Driven Orchestration}, author = {Lighton Phiri and Christoph Meinel and Hussein Suleman}, title = {Ad hoc vs. Organised Orchestration: A Comparative Analysis of Technology-driven Orchestration Approaches}, abstract = {The use of technology to orchestrate learning activities in formal learning spaces is becoming commonplace. However, orchestration is arguably conducted in an ad hoc manner. This paper presents a comparative analysis between ad hoc orchestration-using the PortableApps platform-and organised orchestration-using an implemented workbench user interface. The effectiveness and impact on teaching experience of the two orchestration approaches was evaluated using a withinsubjects controlled study involving 55 participants. The results show that learning activities were orchestrated 21% faster with the workbench than using the ad hoc approach. The AttrakDiff 2 responses for the workbench approach scored higher means for all dimensions. The results suggest that participants were more effective when orchestrating activities using the workbench than when using the ad hoc orchestration technique. The results further show a more positive user experience when using the organised approach.}, year = {2017}, journal = {8th International Conference on Technology for Education}, pages = {200-203}, month = {12/2016}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {Mumbai, India}, isbn = {978-1-5090-6115-0}, url = {https://pubs.cs.uct.ac.za/id/eprint/1128}, doi = {10.1109/T4E.2016.049}, }